Memory Map

EE Virtual/Physical Memory Map

  KUSEG: 00000000h-7FFFFFFFh User segment
  KSEG0: 80000000h-9FFFFFFFh Kernel segment 0
  KSEG1: A0000000h-BFFFFFFFh Kernel segment 1
  KSSEG: C0000000h-DFFFFFFFh Supervisor segment
  KSEG3: E0000000h-FFFFFFFFh Kernel segment 3
  Virtual    Physical
  00000000h  00000000h  32 MB    Main RAM (first 1 MB reserved for kernel)
  20000000h  00000000h  32 MB    Main RAM, uncached
  30100000h  00100000h  31 MB    Main RAM, uncached and accelerated
  10000000h  10000000h  64 KB    I/O registers
  11000000h  11000000h  4 KB     VU0 code memory
  11004000h  11004000h  4 KB     VU0 data memory
  11008000h  11008000h  16 KB    VU1 code memory
  1100C000h  1100C000h  16 KB    VU1 data memory
  12000000h  12000000h  8 KB     GS privileged registers
  1C000000h  1C000000h  2 MB     IOP RAM
  1FC00000h  1FC00000h  4 MB     BIOS, uncached (rom0)
  9FC00000h  1FC00000h  4 MB     BIOS, cached (rom09)
  BFC00000h  1FC00000h  4 MB     BIOS, uncached (rom0b)
  70000000h  ---------  16 KB    Scratchpad RAM (only accessible via virtual addressing)

EE RAM is reportedly expandable up to 256 MB. However, the maximum seen in practice is 128 MB, for special TOOL consoles.

IOP Physical Memory Map

  KUSEG: 00000000h-7FFFFFFFh User segment
  KSEG0: 80000000h-9FFFFFFFh Kernel segment 0
  KSEG1: A0000000h-BFFFFFFFh Kernel segment 1
  00000000h  2 MB     Main RAM (same as on PS1)
  1D000000h           SIF registers
  1F800000h  64 KB    Various I/O registers
  1F900000h  1 KB     SPU2 registers
  1FC00000h  4 MB     BIOS (rom0) - Same as EE BIOS
  FFFE0000h (KSEG2)   Cache control

Additional Memory

  • 4 MB GS VRAM (used for framebuffer, textures, zbuffer, etc)
  • 2 MB SPU2 work RAM - quadrupled from PS1's SPU
  • 8 MB Memory card