: VIF0100090xxh
: VIF1 (can act as PATH2 for GIF)1000A0xxh
: GIF (PATH3)1000B0xxh
: IPU_FROM1000B4xxh
: IPU_TO1000C0xxh
: SIF0 (from IOP)1000C4xxh
: SIF1 (to IOP)1000C8xxh
: SIF2 (bidirectional, used for PS1 mode and debugging)1000D0xxh
: SPR_FROM1000D4xxh
Dn_CHCR - Channel control (R/W)
- 0 DIR - Direction (0=to memory, 1=from memory) Only effective for VIF1 and SIF2
- 1 Unused
- 2-3 MOD - Mode (0=normal, 1=chain, 2=interleave)
- 4-5 ASP - Address stack pointer
- 6 TTE - Transfer DMAtag (only in source chain mode)
- 7 TIE - Enable IRQ bit in DMAtag
- 8 STR - Start/busy
- 9-15 Unused
- 16-31 TAG - Bits 16-31 of most recently read DMAtag
Dn_MADR - Channel address (R/W)
Dn_TADR - Channel tag address (R/W)
- 0-30 Address (lower 4 bits must be zero)
- 31 Memory selection (0=RAM, 1=scratchpad)
The channel will read from/write to MADR directly during a transfer. TADR is only used for chain mode.
MADR and TADR update while a transfer is ongoing, i.e., the DMAC has no internal channels for memory addresses.
Certain games expect MADR and TADR to increment during a transfer.
Dn_QWC - Quadword count (R/W)
- 0-15 Quadwords
- 16-31 Unused
In normal and interleaved mode, the transfer ends when QWC reaches zero. Chain mode behaves differently see DMAC Chain Mode
Dn_ASR0 - Channel saved tag address (R/W)
Dn_ASR1 - Channel saved tag address (R/W)
- 0-30 Tag address (lower 4 bits must be zero)
- 31 Memory selection (0=RAM, 1=scratchpad)
ASR0/ASR1 can only be used by the VIF0, VIF1, and GIF channels.
Dn_SADR - Channel scratchpad address (R/W)
- 0-13 Address (lower 4 bits must be zero)
- 14-31 Unused
SADR is only used by SPR_FROM and SPR_TO.
D_CTRL - DMAC control (R/W)
- 0 DMA enable
- 1 Cycle stealing on
- 2-3 MFIFO drain channel
- 0=None
- 1=Reserved
- 2=VIF1
- 3=GIF
- 4-5 Stall control channel
- 0=None
- 1=SIF0
- 6-7 Stall control drain channel
- 0=None
- 1=VIF1
- 2=GIF
- 3=SIF1
- 8-10 Release cycle period
- 0=8
- 1=16
- 2=32
- 3=64
- 4=128
- 5=256 When cycle stealing is on, the release cycle period controls how long the EE has control of the bus.
D_STAT - DMAC interrupt status (R/W)
- 0-9 Channel interrupt status (1=IRQ, write 1 to clear)
- 10-12 Unused
- 13 DMA stall interrupt status
- 14 MFIFO empty interrupt status
- 15 BUSERR interrupt status
- 16-25 Channel interrupt mask (1=enabled, write 1 to reverse)
- 26-28 Unused
- 29 Stall interrupt mask
- 30 MFIFO empty mask
INT1 is asserted when (status & mask) != 0.
` D_PCR - DMAC priority control (R/W)
- 0-9 COP0 condition control
- 10-15 Unused
- 16-25 Channel priority (0=Channel disabled, only if D_PCR.31 is true)
- 26-30 Unused
- 31 Priority enable COP0 control determines whether or not CPCOND0 is activated. If
(~control | D_STAT.0-9) == 0x3FF
, CPCOND0 is set. This is useful for knowing when multiple DMA transfers have finished without using interrupts.
D_SQWC - DMAC skip quadword (R/W)
- 0-7 Quadwords to skip
- 8-15 Unused
- 16-23 Quadwords to transfer
- 24-31 Unused
In interleave mode, every time D_SQWC.16-23 quadwords have been transferred, D_SQWC.0-7 quadwords are skipped.
D_RBSR - DMAC ringbuffer size (R/W)
4-30 Size of MFIFO buffer in quadwords, minus 1
D_RBOR - DMAC ringbuffer offset (R/W)
0-30 Starting address of MFIFO buffer. Lower 4 bits are 0
D_ENABLER - DMAC disabled status (R)
D_ENABLEW - DMAC disable (W)
16 DMAC disabled
All other bits appear to be garbage, but writable SCPH-39001 (and other BIOSes?) seems to expect D_ENABLER to be set to
` upon boot