IOP Timers
h Timer 0..2 count (R/W)
- 0-15 Current value
- 16-31 Unused/garbage
Timer 3..5 count (R/W)
- 0-31 Current value
Timers 0..5 increment automatically. 0..2 are 16-bit, and 3..5 are 32-bit. Writes set the counter to the value written.
Timer 0..2 mode (R/W)
Timer 3..5 mode (R/W)
- 0 Gate enable
- 1-2 Gate mode
- 3 Zero return - reset counter on interrupt
- 4 Compare interrupt enabled
- 5 Overflow interrupt enabled
- 6 Repeat interrupt - if unset, bit 10 is set to 0 after interrupt occurs.
- 7 LEVL - toggle bit 10 on IRQs if bit 6 is set.
- 8 Use external signal
- If set:
- Timer 0: pixel clock (13.5 MHz regardless of screen mode)
- Timer 1/3: HBLANK
- Others: sysclock (no effect)
- If set:
- 9 Timer 2 prescaler
- 10 Interrupts enabled (R)
- 11 Compare interrupt raised (R)
- 12 Overflow interrupt raised (R)
- 13-14 Timer 4/5 prescalar
- 15-31 Unused/garbage
Writes to mode reset the count to zero and set bit 10 to 1. Reads from mode clear the two raised interrupt flags.
Prescalers adjust clockrate as follows:
- 0 normal
- 1 1/8 speed
- 2 1/16 speed
- 3 1/256 speed
Timer 0..2 target (R/W)
- 0-15 Value
- 16-31 Unused/garbage
Timer 3..5 target (R/W)
- 0-31 Value
When count == target
, a compare interrupt is raised. This raises an IRQ
if both mode.4
and mode.10
are enabled. If mode.7
(LEVL) is not set, writes to target set mode.10
to 1.