GIF Data Formats
The data format after a GIFtag varies depending on the value of GIFtag.58-59. The GIF can transfer to the GS in PACKED, REGLIST, or IMAGE formats.
Data is transferred in units of quadwords (16 bytes). Total amount of data in the GIF primitive = NLOOP * NREGS.
All registers not specified below output the lower 64-bits of the quadword to their GS register directly. The upper 64-bits are discarded.
Current reg=0h PRIM
- 0-10 Data to write to GS PRIM
- 11-127 Unused
Current reg=1h RGBA
Writes to RGBAQ register (Q is unchanged)
- 0-7 R
- 8-31 Unused
- 32-39 G
- 40-63 Unused
- 64-71 B
- 72-95 Unused
- 96-103 A
- 104-127 Unused
R, G, B, and A are 8-bit values. Q is set by the STQ command.
Current reg=2h STQ
Writes to ST register and Q component of RGBAQ.
- 0-31 S
- 32-63 T
- 64-95 Q
- 96-127 Unused
S, T, and Q are single-precision (32-bit) floats in IEEE 754 format.
Current reg=3h UV
- 0-13 U
- 14-31 Unused
- 32-45 V
- 46-127 Unused
U and V are 14-bit unsigned fixed-point integers with a 4-bit fractional component.
Current reg=4h XYZ2F/XYZ3F
- 0-15 X
- 16-31 Unused
- 32-47 Y
- 48-67 Unused
- 68-91 Z
- 92-99 Unused
- 100-107 F
- 108-110 Unused
- 111 Disable drawing (1=write to XYZ3F, 0=write to XYZ2F)
- 112-127 Unused
X and Y are signed 16-bit fixed-point integers with a 4-bit fractional component.
Z is a 24-bit integer, and F is an 8-bit integer.
The "disable drawing" bit controls whether the data is written to XYZ2F or XYZ3F.
Current reg=5h XYZ2/XYZ3
- 0-15 X
- 16-31 Unused
- 32-47 Y
- 48-63 Unused
- 64-95 Z
- 96-110 Unused
- 111 Disable drawing (1=write to XYZ3F, 0=write to XYZ2F)
- 112-127 Unused Similar to XYZ2F/XYZ3F above, except there is no F register and Z is 32-bit.
Current reg=Ah FOG
- 0-99 Unused
- 100-107 F
- 108-127 Unused
Current reg=Eh A+D (output data to specified address)
- 0-63 Data
- 64-71 Register address
- 72-127 Unused Outputs data to the given register address.
Do not use this register descriptor on PATH3 when PATH1 is also running, or the GS may lock up!
Current reg=Fh NOP
Data not output to GS.
Total data in GIF primitive = NREGS * NLOOP, in units of doublewords. (64-bits)
In REGLIST, a doubleword is sent directly to the register descriptor. Every quadword contains data for two registers. When the data is prepared properly, this can multiply data density by up to a factor of 2.
When NREGS * NLOOP is odd, the last doubleword in a primitive is discarded.
IMAGE Format
Total data in GIF primitive = NLOOP only, in units of quadwords.
IMAGE is a shortcut for writing to the GS HWREG register, which transfers textures and other data to VRAM. Each quadword has enough data for two writes to HWREG.