GS Fog
- 0-7 R
- 8-15 G
- 16-23 B
represents the color of a "distant" object, or one enshrounded in fog. See below for details.
- 0-7 Fog effect
FOG gives a fog effect F to the current vertex. XYZ2F/XYZ3F also modify this register.
During rasterization, if fog is enabled in PRIM/PRMODE, F is linearly interpolated for all vertices. The fog equation is then applied to an outputted texture color after the color function has been applied:
Output = ((F * input) >> 8) + (((255 - F) * FOGCOL) >> 8)
So a value of 0xFF results in no change and a value of 0 completely converts the color to FOGCOL.
You can see that fog equation is just another alpha blending equation.