SIF Registers


EE base is at 1000F200h, IOP base is at 1D000000h.

1000F200h/1D000000h SIF_MSCOM (Only writable by EE)

1000F210h/1D000010h SIF_SMCOM (Only writable by IOP)

  • 0-31 Value

These registers could be used for generic communication, but in the PS2 they are used to tell the other side the address of its DMA receive buffer. For example, the EE places its SIF0 receive address in MSCOM so that the IOP knows where to transfer data to, and the opposite is true for SMCOM.

1000F220h/1D000020h SIF_MSFLG (IOP writes mask)

1000F230h/1D000030h SIF_SMFLG (EE writes mask)

  • 0-31 Value

These registers are used like semaphores. The following values are used:

  • 10000h: SIF DMA/hardware initialized
  • 20000h: SIFCMD initialized
  • 40000h: IOP has finished booting (sent by EESYNC)

If the EE sends 20000h to MSFLG, the IOP can read this and clear MSFLG by writing 20000h to it. The opposite is true for SMFLG.

1000F240h/1D000040h SIF_CTRL

  • 1: Always 1?
  • 8: Always 1 for EE, 0 for IOP?
  • 28-31: Always 0xF?
  • Other Unknown Very little is known about this register.

1000F260h/1D000060h SIF_BD6

  • 0-31 Unknown Nothing is known about this register, other than that it does get accessed during initialization.