It runs on the popular ESP8266 microcontroller and uses the Arduino plattform.
GBS8200 upscalers can be bought on Ebay, at prices around $20.
Ebay also has ESP8266 microcontroller boards for about $4.
The ones called "Wemos D1" or "NodeMCU" work well and are recommended.
You need the GBS upscaler, an ESP8266 board, a bit of cabling and a jumper or wire link for disabling the onboard processor, so that the ESP8266 can take over.
Power for the ESP8266 can be provided by, for example:
Connect the ESP8266 board ground to a convenient ground point on the GBS.
Connect the two I2C bus wires (GBS side: SDA and SCL) to the ESP8266 pins of the same name.
ESP8266 boards do not have standardized pin names, but they follow some naming rules.
To enable automatic image position and timing adjustment, the ESP8266 needs to measure some timings. Carefully solder a wire from the pictured DebugPin to:
Next, the ESP8266 needs to be programmed. Head over to the software setup page.
?To Debug Issues
The Arduino IDE serial monitor shows debug information at 115200
If your ESP8266 is connected to a computer via USB, you can access this serial monitor to find out more about the issue.
In the Arduino IDE, you need to select an ESP8266 board that matches your hardware (if unsure, select "LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 R2 & mini").